Box 15.5x13.5x13cm With Lid (106982)

All our  Box 15.5x13.5x13cm With Lid (106982) import geen productgroup  are handmade and carefully selected on design and quality. Find the right import geen productgroup for the right location or come and visit our showroom to see this beautiful  Box 15.5x13.5x13cm With Lid (106982) import geen productgroup in real-life!

HOW TO CARE YOUR YOUR import geen productgroup

Whether or not your import geen productgroup is purely decorative or both functional and stylish, careful cleaning and maintenance of the import geen productgroup grants long-term satisfaction. To fully enjoy your Box 15.5x13.5x13cm With Lid (106982) import geen productgroup and ensure its longevity, please follow a few basic rules:

  • Don’t place your Box 15.5x13.5x13cm With Lid (106982) import geen productgroup near a fireplace that’s in use.
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and excessive heat or dampness.
  • Be careful not to leave a wet ring on the surface after watering flowers or plants.
  • Don’t expose your Box 15.5x13.5x13cm With Lid (106982) import geen productgroup to scratches from pets or sharp objects (e.g. studs, buckles).
  • Use coasters and place felt pads under lamp bases and accessories.

General data
Productnumber 106982
EAN code
Brand By Kohler